FAQ's (Frequently Asked Question's) 

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Q.1] Whether MKCL will charge any Annual Registration fees for this offering?

Answer: MKCL will not charge any annual registration fees for this offering.


Q.2] Is there any renewal fees for this offering?

Answer: MKCL will not charge any renewal fees for this offering.


Q.3] What is the college/classes registration process for this offering?

Answer: Local Lead Centers (LLCs) of MKCL will approach to college/classes and then college/classes need to fill Expression of Interest (EOI) Form (Physical copy) provided by MKCL. LLCs will collect required data and do the online registration on SOLAR.


Q.4] Whether college/classes will get any unique id?

Answer: After registration on SOLAR by LLCs on behalf of college then Unique Login id and password will be generated. College/classes can use http://www.mkcl.org/ef URL and associated login id and password for doing online activities related to this offering.


Q.5] What is the process for student registration.

Answer: College/Classes has to use login id and password of SOLAR and they can do the student registration. LLC’s personnel will help the them in registering the students.


Q.6] What is the fees structure and share pattern for this offering? 

Answer: Initially this offering is for 11th standard students and fees per student per year to be paid at the beginning of the year as per below table.

College Share

2800 /-

MKCL’s Share

1200 /-

Total Fees per Learner

4000 /-


Q.7] What is the process for payment collection and how to transfer payment to MKCL?

Answer: College/Classes can collect fees from student, they have to keep their share component with them and needs to transfer MKCL share by DD or Online.


Q.8] How student will solve the test?

Answer: MKCL will provide Quasi-Online Framework known as MKCL’s OES (Online Evaluation System). Student will login in this framework in order to appear for the test.


Q.9] Whether internet connectivity is required and when?

Answer: Internet connectivity required for student data downloading, Result data uploading and Content as well as test updating. Internet connectivity is not required while solving the test.


Q.10] How student will came to know there score and detailed analysis of the result.

Answer: The result and detailed analysis of the result will be available in PDF format with respective students OES login which student can copy in pen drive or college may handover printout of the same.


Q.11] How to manage schedule of this test series?

Answer: MKCL will provide all the test in student’s log-in. Student can give these tests according to his convenience or college may guide the student and make a schedule for them.


Q.12] What is the role of College/Classes?

Answer: There are 2 basic responsibilities of Faculty.

  • Faculty of respective subject should guide the students as to which test to take when.
  • College must monitor the marks of the student’s and based on the marks they must provide the necessary course of action and feedback.


Q.13] What is the recommended Lab setup required ?

Answer: Minimum 1 Server + 1 Client setup is required.


Q.14] Whether student from other college/classes can enroll for this offering.

Answer: College/Classes may take decision regarding this. MKCL has no issues with any student appearing from anywhere.

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